(canceled) Guitar Designing Competition

the designs are good on paper, but just how feasible it is should someone get it and use it. might be a question without an answer..

unless you make it.
well. on paper its ok i suppose. but it's gonna be like unsane said, neck heavy. mayb for the casket shape u should change the tuners to the top piece instead of the 2 at the sides.
mayb this is wad u r tinkin of ...

lol... :lol:
okay, not QUITE what i imagined. lol.

the crosses just look a tad bit malmsteen, plus the tremolo arm with that cross man. hahaah

haha good one... but in all honesty I have this feeling like G77 has completely forgotten and neglected this competiton.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the people who are supposed to be paying attention to this thread and who are supposed to give us a winner at least a whole month ago have not even replied to this thread to update any of the contestants regarding progress in the competition.

If you don't intend to follow-up, why bother starting? :evil:
agree..they hyped us up for no reason...but i suddenly feel recently g77 is messed up...beez quit den they 4gt abt the competition...wads nex?i hope itll go back to lyk last time again...
lets not flame them to any extent lah. they're actually improving their services. firstly, brining in keeley's then now pedal mods. cant imagine whats next man.
haiya..move on la..

why do u even count on it?

be too hopeful and u'll juz lose out big time..tts wad i learnt in ITP..
ok guys,

sorry for the late notice,

thank for the ovewhelming respond of the thread here but but due to the very poor response submittion to info@guitar77.com, (meaning less than 5 pieces =/)

The management have decide to void the competion. thanks to all who have take part and those who show interests,

any enquiry just give me a call at 91864194

Best Regards,
