Can the Epiphone LP Custom+EMGs do In Flames?

something about online forums is that, you have to take our advise with a pinch of salt, the tone i like may be shit to you and vice versa.

what i suggest is going to blackwood, or ebenex or any other shops ( but i prefer those 2, really friendly chaps) tell them the tone you desire, and hopefully try the gear out and conclude what you need for whatever tone you are seeking.

if you do not have knowledge of the basics of amps and effects, it is really hard for us to get out point across. there are many threads here, about pickups, amps and such, which you should find very resouceful.

and again, dont be lazy do your homework.
( one loser is gonna flame me whooO!)
more importantly, what is your budget like?

no point asking everyone to throw suggestions just like that. I mean, people might recommend awesome stuff but at the end of the day, it all boils down to how much are you willing to spend.

give us a budget and we will think of the best thing that you can do with the money that you intend to spend.
Japan... Okay I'll think about it. I haven't had enough time to do lots of research due to school and work but I guess I should, as well as try stuff out firsthand.

But many thanks to everyone who replied! =)
Good Tone

You can get a mesa lonestar cheaper man hahah

If I have $1500 to buy a guitar and amplifier I will spend $1000 on a good amp and $500 on a guitar. I know many young guitarists are doing the reverse because they think that if they use the same guitar they will sound like their guitar heroes. Check it out if you do not believe me.
Since you say it that way I will put more consideration into my amp and pedals now.

5150. I saw that in Blackwood but it was too expensive for me. It's also difficult to... "fully utilise" the features of the amp because I live in a HDB.

So I might have to go with a change of pedals. I must go and try the Barber Dirty Bomb!
If I have $1500 to buy a guitar and amplifier I will spend $1000 on a good amp and $500 on a guitar. I know many young guitarists are doing the reverse because they think that if they use the same guitar they will sound like their guitar heroes. Check it out if you do not believe me.

Well count me in as one of those young guitar players except I have a 20 grand budget and my guitar cost me half of that. Anyway people feel that the Guitar is a priority because you can take that out for gigs and all whereas an amp is not as portable so they go for pedals first. Amps is kinda like something you buy when you're sure of what sound you want.
...20 grand? What kind of "young" guitar player were you...? I wish I had that kind of budget, but I'm still a school kid.
in my opinion, a clean amp (think Fender) with a 12" speaker would be great. doesnt have to be expensive. could head down to a few guitars stores to check out their amps. either that or try the 2nd hand market to scout for cheaper deals. with the remaining money, you could invest in some mad pedals. try some out at Ebenex
Been thinking about this issue too: whether to get a new guitar or a new amp.
I will definitely check out some pedals as recommended now...
Man... what kind of job is that? I am stuck with stupid temp jobs like mooncakes, manual labor etc.
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I think amp reverb should be enough. get pedals that you need, not want. saves you a whole lot of cash. think b4 buying.