Can Paul Gilbert play Malmsteen?

shredding/playing that fast gets boring after awhile.

i prefer his style now where where in incorporates lots of blues and jazz licks into his stuff for a more melodic feel rather than just shredding notes up and down the fretboard
i remember when paul gilbert had his first clinic in singapore, i was the lucky guy that had dinner with him and we were talking bout malmsteen. He said that that he was really proud of the fact that he was featured alongside malmsteen in guitarplayer mag when he was just 15. In fact he wrote Y.R.O, (yngwie riff off) as a tribute. Very cool guy.
Pray tell, what did you have for dinner?

And dezng, are you from the Mediaworks gang that took some dumbass, totally useless After Effects training from a complete newB trainer?

hey Rork!
That's us! How do you know that?

Wahliaio eh! Cos' I was that trainer lah dude. Basketball! I hope that you weren't agreeing that I was a newbie.

Anyways, AE CS3 will rock you like a hurricane! Come back for your upgrades. And we'll trade some licks this time. 8)
