Can I buy guitar from johor??It offers me RM700 for Ibanez GRG150....


New member
I was going to buy it soon but will the Custom immigration stop me for tax??Actually i just thought of a solution whereby i brought my electric guitar bag from singapore ,go johor and after buying the guitar , i keep it inside my bag and go back singapore and if they stop me im gonna say i just got back from a gig or something.... but do you think it will work?? Or can you guys give me any more tactics/ideas??
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Yep, it'll work, or if they ask, just say you had a gig in malaysia. Our local bands have been crossing over lately so the customs are pretty used to guitar carrying people. Anyway, most of the time they don't bother anyway....
I bring my guitar back to KL for few times ady. They will never tax u. If they ask u said u bought it long time ago 1 la. Receipt don't keep together with the guitar.
try kl? better range. personally i feel johor guitar shops doesn't stock good electrics. well, my two cents worth
take this from a msian and loads of music friends msia.

singapore have loads more stuff and much better prices anytime than malaysia. Almost all of my friends do their gear shopping HERE.
Thank you so much for sharimg your ideas...Suddenly I was thinking if the guitar i bought is spoilt I need to go back the guitar shop in City square, johor back.and its now ive bought and ESP LTD M-50 at $299...

saw this brand beginner pakage sellling RM600 haven discount somemore at JB, Schuman Music school at shops beside ESSO(same row) infront or shld i say oppersit the Pelangi SC today. not bad.
by the way , guitars are NOT cheaper in malaysia , they have higher taxes for electronics i think , anyway just get it from singapore
yea, its not cheaper at all. i think its cheaper here than in m'sia. i've seen a few esp and some ibanez. they're of the same price here if u convert currency.but its slightly more ex.