can guitar multi-effx be used 4 bass?


New member
i juz received a zoom 606 as a b'dae present juz now..but it's a tad too late as my heart is already in bass...

but i feel it's a waste if it's not utilised...

so can i use it 4 bass?will tt pedal be damaged?
my mom would never spend over a hundred bucks for a b'day pressie for me man. u lucky
basically from what i know, effects (digital) are just circuits that change your wave form... i dont see how using a bass on that may affect the equipment... unlike analog effects or amps, nope i think u can go ahead and use bass on that...

however, it's guitar effects, so it won't sound really nice on certain types of effects really... but some of the effects will work swell, like distortion maybe, or delay...
Using Guitar Effects for bass applications won't damage the effects pedals in any way, as all they serve to do is to process the signal from the bass.

The only difference is that guitar effects and bass effects are voiced to enhance/modify different perimeters in the EQ.

As you know, bass and guitar EQs are different in that both instruments dwell in different regions of frequencies, therefore the effects are made to tailor to that difference.

Guitar effects will focus on upper end frequencies, while bass effects focus on lower end frequencies.

This is the same reason why bass wahs work better than guitar wahs for wide sweeps when used for bass applications. Guitar wahs usually are not voiced to handle the lower end of the bass frequencies.

I hope this helps.

Then again, being the idiot that I usually am, I may be wrong! Feel free to correct me if you deem fit, I would love to learn more stuff too!
Main difference is the high-pass filter already built into the set. it filters frequencies below 80Hz off. As some of you may know, 80 Hz is an important frequency for the bass.