Can anyone recommen good drum scores/notes site?


New member
i need a website with alot of resources of drum scores of songs by BANDS, be it Blink-182, Lifehouse, MCR etc etc..

For eg. guitar has, im sure theres one for drum?

thanks in advance! :p
yo bro.. i think if you go to websites having guitar pro tab, u can download those songs ah.. using guitar pro format...
but of coz you need to haf the guitar pro software...

anyway, those songs you download using guitar pro, they will haf all the parts written down... not onli drums
yep! lol..i know this method frend intro me. :lol: but i realise its very lag/slow for mi to run guitar pro 5.. then got abit i found out this site provided all e scores in JPEG convenience. then im wondering if theres anymore SUCH site..coz this webby update slow.. plus small library.
all not as nice as leh.. =xx but well..quite alright. but some need to download their application then can work leh..or else u find le also nothing come out.need a programme to open one..thanks e e siites!
Well, all not as nice as slowly learning to depend on your ears to transcribe stuff yourself :lol:

I'm working on it...
yeah tts wad im doing too..but i cant write notes =x still learning though. i think thats wad most drummer do? coz we dont usually have proper sites that provide e drum notes. otherwise it would be so easy to learn already. fill-ins can be a great :lol:
coz we dont usually have proper sites that provide e drum notes.

Not sure what you mean by this.. there are plenty of sites which provide the glossary.

Here's one:


lol..i know in still learning those musical theory la.notations and stuff..all these is mus noe one..learn before le..but well thanks! i have them in my book.. :p