Calling all musicians, band members & music promoters!


New member
Calling all musicians, band members, music promoters, mobile DJs, event organizers, jamming studios & sound engineers!

Divine-Aura Group is looking out for possibilities in expanding its support to local music & arts in different ways. If you have 5 – 10 minutes to spare, please do participate in this survey to help us to understand you better and hopefully cater to your needs.

Click here to start the survey

To all who participated: A big thank you from us at Divine-Aura Group to all of you!


To find out more bout Divine-Aura Group, please do visit our temporary website here
would you like to tell us more about the survey's purpose? how does Divine-Aura Group intend to support the local music & arts in different ways?

i did the survey but was quite puzzled by the intention of the questions.
soft: First of all thank you for participating in the survey and my apologies for the confusion. We're looking at possibilities of providing equipment/instruments rental for both short and long period.

CAVEvents: Yessir, that's where we're looking at. Thank you for participating.

kazuki: Thank you very much for participating!