Cadenza, Shredding, Whacking, anything for the gutiar


New member
hey, been playing guitar for quite some time and wanted to try something different..i was wondering if is it necessary to learn wad key a song is in in order to be to do a cadenza thing at the end of the song? like after playing a song finish u just wanna make some melodic noise..shredding,cadenzas,tapping,running all over the fret board but hitting the correct notes..
yea man, i get it..but how do you know which frets to press which strings to hit..trail and error? experimenting?
there are many approaches to guitar soloing, theres the most common approach, which is learning the scales, den theres the other appraoch which is trial and error

basically depends on which way you wanna go, btw cool to see some 1 else call improvising = cadenza its scales..okay man thanks!
well, cadenza is what they call soloing in classical terms
but thanks again man

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