bypass your amp preamp?

i read many articles about it. i am currently using the sansamp bddip, i want to bypass my amp preamp. from wad i know you, you plug in the sansamp into the fx return, my question is than how do you hook up your bass and effects?
so bass->pedals->sansamp->fx return?
typically that's how its done. Does your Sansamp itself have an effects loop? you could also do it this way (depending on your pedals),

bass -> pedals A-> sansamp -> pedals B-> fx return.

Pedals A could be your drives, modulation, pitch, compression, filters, EQ, etc

while Pedals B could be stuff like reverb, delay, compression, EQ, etc
no fx-loop...i emailed tech 21 this is their reply

Dear William,

Thanks for your inquiry. You said, "use my sansamp as power the signal chain", but actually, you'd be using the SansAmp as your PREAMP (essentially "replacing" the amp's preamp section with the SansAmp).

And you have it right... bass, pedals, SansAmp, Effect Return. Just remember one thing...
depending on the amp, you might skip its volume control, too, and the amp will be on "10". You can use the SansAmp's Level knob as your new "master volume" control, but before you flip on the amp's power switch, be sure to turn your bass's volume knob(s) all the way down... otherwise, it might be very, very loud! Once everything's powered up you can bring up the bass's volume knob a bit, check whether the amp's volume control is still working, and then you'll know what needs to be done from there.

Lloyd Schwartz, Product Manager
Tech 21 USA, Inc.
790 Bloomfield Ave., Bldg. B
Clifton, NJ 07012
973 777 6996
973 777 9899 Fax