Buying/Bringing Gear back from USA


New member
Hi guys, I'll be going to the USA til mid July.
Now i know that there are some guitars/pedals/pickups, etc there available that you cannot find in Singapore, or where you can find it but its alot cheaper there.

I'm currently offering the service to buy and hand carry back these gear for you. I will not state how many i can carry back, but the deal works in a First Come First Serve manner.

These services wont be free of course. I will probably charge like a 10-20% service charge depending on item bought and brought back. I will also pass you the original receipt so ou will know i'm not ripping you off.

For details, please email me at
DO NOT PM ME. My mailbox getting very full and confusing already.

**Admins, if its not supposed to be here pls help me move this thread. Not exactly sure where services would fall under. Thanks.
go steal Steve Morse's guitar and bring back. 20% of free = free... :lol:

I wud really use this but dunno what to get.
well, start thinking then!
its a first come first serve on whoever emails i get first.

also, sorry no amp heads man, no baggage space for that.

when im in the US, i will scout these items u guys want. if it is available, i will inform u of the price then u will make ur confirmation from there
i think it's dumb to bring a LTD back. waste of the space, which can be used to bring back things that are much more worthwhile.

if it's a ESP, then okay lah.
yeah theres really no point buying back low end guitars which are available here..

on the other hand... i'd love a g2d cream tone... but i dont got any money :(
the LTD ECs are like a thousand odd. ITs like the esp one without paying the extra thosuand. Sg doesnt bring in cos they dont have big ltd dealers or something..
midnight : dude..u can try asking davis..althou they say they dun bring in on their usual stock..doesnt mean u cant order thru them...jus talk to janet about it...
hi guys, yes its no point asking me to bring in low end guitars because u can get them in singapore for just about the same price or maybe slightly more. anyway. keep them emails coming. will be scouting around the shops this weekend.


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