

New member
yo james, ok I need to ask about this as far as I know I "THINK" I read a thread somewhere that one is not supposed to put up "lots of items for sale" in one thread, then it gets bumped over and over. so the whole

WTS : Item / WTB : item was implemented individually. pls correct me if i'm wrong.

however I do have alot of stuff to sell cos it's either under utilized or I need the cash for somethin better purpose or both. and I hit that "You have reached the maximum number of threads (4) allowed in a 10000 minute period for this forum."
quite an amount of the stuff are Posters etc, and I can't be putting "posters for sale" , pretty much I gotta advertise details of the poster , what band etc.

so would it be better if I posted individually or back to my previous method of "blueprint garage sale" but I would have to "bump" with updates on what's sold and what has new pricing etc.
I need to know cos I do have a number of things to sell and I don't want to flood out neither do I wanna break rules.


btw for others reading this , I found it's way more efficient to get your item sold by putting

WTS : Item - $price tag

cos in general if people have interest in the "section" they're browsing, and have interest in the model of the item you're selling, the price tag in the thread listing of the section would speed things up because if you're selling cheap, they'd contact you immediately. if you're selling expensive, i'm sure they'd at least check out what's your reason / what else you're throwing in to match up that price tag.

the whole idea is to get your item sold as soon as possible so soft's buy/sell purpose is achieved efficiently and "sold" items can be removed to clear up space for others quick.
i second the bumping rule... i get sick of people reposting their sales, cos when one goes back to look for great deals, all u see is repost, and repost and repost.. i remember nigellum is selling an epiphone lp zakk wylde and a prs too.. see? it gets to your head. :mrgreen:
then the difference between repost and bump is
1) repost creates a whole new thread with X amount of same words. = take up more bandwidth but james has set a thread limit but doesn't work too well with ppl with alot of variety of stuff to sell
2) bumping pushes up the thread by saying "bump" = but that gets everyone bumping their threads again then everyone wants to join in creating a bumpy war which takes up more bandwidth and more chaos. so what james COULD do it set a limit number of bumps per amount of time and create a new section for "Softie Garage Sale" , for ppl with more than 5 items for sale. and we definitely need a "rep" system like ebay so people who have better reputation deserves this garage sale and i'm still blabbering onand onabout pplwhodeservebutactuallyi'mreferringtomyselfhahai'msofullofshit.

in any case it's a fine line to touch and this is all extra work for james yet we're not paying for the service so no matter what we have to be appreciative of what james created and maintains for all of us.

P.S : i hope soft's classifieds never turn out like luther's. he actually called me to take down all of my ads just because he thought I was a dealer (can't someone just possess alot of gear?) but that's all past now and I got no intention to flame.I'm just glad someone like james have heart for all of us to help buy/sell our stuff peacefully in the musician community.
Hi Ron

Thanks for the feedback. This is indeed a problem we are facing. Honestly, I do not know what is the best solution. The Buy/Sell section is like a mini mart, your round-the-corner convenient store. If we were to upgrade it to like Fairprice or Carrfour, I need to make some adjustments.

Let's hear it from other users and see how we can improve the current system.
bump vs repost.
the key is "moderation" or "balance"
question is , how to maintain this "balance" so
- new items get a chance to be sold/bought.
- disciplinary measures for limit reposting OR bumping. (repost + bump all duplicate post is a no no)

- the "Reply Disabled" is a definite plus. cos too many ppl are "bumping" for the seller (even if they deserve it) if they post enquiries etc, that kills the chance for others. or we don't have those "for sale, GIBSON guitar $4000. and some noob goes "someone else is selling at $400" (EPIPHONE)
for the ppl who are trying to ripoff and sell at a high price, this one we need a "feedback" system. reputation system isn't such a worry cos you can see by the Softie's profile.
I've been wondering to make things easier, james, is it possible for example :
under "Visitor Messages/About Me/Statistics/ETC" you create another section called "Feedback" and basically it is another "Visitor Messages" but for public viewing + deleting of messages disabled. so when a successful deal is done we go like "hey thanks, the deal went smooth, great communications bla bla" and obviously someone with alot of positive feedback from Softies with high rep (there'll be 0 rep new softies trying to flood negative feedbacks for sure one) then that would reduce the amount of scammers trying to play punk behind the monitor?

BUT the downside of the disable reply means that every softie must learn to pickup their softie broom and clean up the PM cos you're only limited to 50! it's as easy as "export to CSV and open your msgs in excel file! (i'm sure many ppl are unaware)

I was reading the other thread , someone mentioned if someone is selling a confirm fake and ppl really need to be aware, should it be "new thread post" in the kopitiam thread? or report to moderator/you?

and one last question, if I was selling a Line6 PodX3 Live (I don't have one, just example) , in my "environment" , it's a Pro Audio > Guitar DI recording section. but to others, it's a live on stage guitar pedal rather than recording item. would I be permitted to post duplicate in 2 sections Guitar FX + Pro Audio ?

other softies pls help feedback and suggest something that will be easy to maintain, efficient, low cost, and providing high quality forum experience.

there should be an FAQ on "efficient selling of items" in SOFT...
if people can abuse the "post reply" button, people can abuse the proposed feedback system too. eg softie A gets unjustified neg feedback from softie B, then starts a thread about it, then some softies side softie A, some softies side softie B, then you'll find soft being engulfed in flames.
so anyone has a better idea? hah. for each positive idea there's a negative.

now I propose my AMS system (ai mai sua / want dont' want done)
might as well just keep things simple , black and white, no shades of grey . :

WTSay : / WTBuy : / WTTrade : / WTGive
no "MIGHTwant to sell or Maybe want to buy"

buy/sell rules : at your own discretion, do your own homework, if you got ripped off while selling, then suggest throwing it away. if you got ripped off while buying, then suggest buying brand new one from shop 1st hand. if someone is selling high price, it's his problem, if someone is selling too low and another guy beat you to the deal, it's your problem. if someone is obviously trying to con, either you bochap, or you chap (meet him up, call the police, bring your own kakis and hantum him)

buyer/seller back out on meeting up or never pickup call, your problem. deal direct at his doorstep (I SAID DOORSTEP) , or yours. not underneath block. then no show again. don't deal at MRT control station later kana summon by MRT officer for blocking.

buyer reserve but he fly aeroplane fly kite but never contact/always broke, then your problem, don't reserve. first buy first get, not first come first serve.

seller think he running auction at pasar malam/ge tai, first say $100, then meet up say $120, then you better offer $80 if not, just say you not interested. you walk away, he say "ok $90" then you say "ok $70." you must always speak people's language. sarcasm intended.

buyer first say $100 ,then meet up say $80, you say "got ppl offer $120, now I sell you $110. want? " he say you rip off, you tell him bye bye, I want my item of sentiment value to be with a good owner, not a wishy washy idiot. (provided you can afford to play trumpcard)

kopitiam forum rules : no bringing up of "beware of this/that guy" threads, look at james's face, it's constipated, he doesn't give a crap. this is soft, not stomp. even if you put on stomp, also kena flame. so you're better off registering a blog and whine in your personal space.

think this way the world can be a perfect circle?