I've always wondered - why is it that like 90% of buskers you see in Singapore are those with a handicap, or appear to play like they have no choice but to make a living that way?
Whereas you see in other cities all over the world, a significant number are young chaps or groups of people who appear to be just there to entertain, show the world their talents and make the place vibrant.
I don't know about you but personally, I'd like to see more of musicians who are not handicapped, don't even want to make any money out of busking but purely just to busk for the sake of the love for music and sharing with people their talent.
Yes, the term 'busk' in its pure form may mean to perform for voluntary donations but I would really, really LOVE to see our beloved Singapore come alive with good music performed by youths and adults alike.
Not just during Baybeats or on a big as*s stage with spotlights but bringing colour to the streets with honest, passionate musicians who just want to share their music.
I know, quality control will be an issue but I think it'll be a minor one because the folks at NAC can always audition, approve the location and schedules and give the go ahead to performers who are interested. They've always talked about turning Singapore into a big, vibrant city with arts galore.
What do you think?