Burny Hide guitar at yamaha

lol, i think dexian once mentioned to me, careful of using the yellow hearts model during a gig. u just might get a gay walking up to u and doing all the stuff stated on the guitar (eg, lick me, touch me, kiss me, etc etc) :S
dahlia said:
thats so f-ing sacarstic MOO.

yah blackmoo thats sacarstic man, dont have to say all those things if you dont like it.

yes i think you should be careful if you were to use it for gig..it will be too hard for you to carry out the hide image :wink:
yeah.... the tribal mockingbird one is nice..... i saw it at yamaha few months back.... wanted to get a new guitar that time....... but its too expensive... haha....if i have the cash i would get the hearts one also