Bullet Belts!

wear a red bandanna, strap 2 across your shoulders and start running into the istana... lets see what happens.. haha
Penin also dont have already.. Must custom make from the shops there, and it costs a bomb. I have been looking for bullet belts since early this year haha
No the shops in penin custom makes them and its expensive and ugly. The bullets are very fake
hahaha nice stuff, but u guys noe whatll happen if the police sees u wearing them, its singapore anyway, LOLOL

find a site where it sells, mass softies order? hahaha :lol:
Check with the police liscencing 1st before purchasing. See whether can buy or not. Skali, bought then policemen come knocking on your door.
yea man, come to think of it, might have some problems bypassing the customs even if we do ship it in, must TRUE BYPASS :twisted: LOL NO LINK, JK, hahaha

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