bringing guitar to army camp


New member
hi there, i'm entering army next year, most prolly in January. Just wanna know. how is it like to have a guitar in the camp? will you even have time to play it? Will they tekan you? will your mates think u're some kinda freak? What do you bring, kapok guitar? electric guitar+ amp+ effects?
bring i brought in my 1st guitar a yamaha classical guitar to play...

u will sure0 hv time to play if you are crazy abt guitars.... but i brought in my guitar after my BMT phrase.....

as for now..... i am goin to ORD LO!!!!!!!!
i thought you wont even have enough time to sleep, so where got time to play.. But anyway, anyone brought their electric guitars and amps?
I brought my acoustic, and sometimes the hokkien peng crowd around me and ask me to play wu bai stuff haha... then they sing :D The feeling is quite good..

i brought my strat over.. with a mini marshall amp and my trusty ds-1..
lucky for me, my platoon commander is a guitarplayer from a well known band here in singapore weehee! :P
My boyfriend's in BMT, he brought his Strat and his mini Marshall amp but he's dying with the amp distortion. So up to you to bring effects =)
i keep my tele in camp so i can practice, but i gotta bring it back soon cause i'm gonna start clearing ord leave. heehee.
hellmurderer said:
Why cant you guys bring in during bmt?


but quite stupid to bring an electric with amp and fx ...
In Tekong .. not suppose to use "THEIR" electricity ~
but an acoustic or classical no prob la ...
but bring afew sets of strings ...~
Coz it's a small island ... the strings get rusty super super fast ...

When you get posted to ur unit ...
You can bring wat ever you want, until someone complains~
hahahaha ~

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