Bring radiohead to singapore

We need at least a few hundred signatures! Get all the people you know who love Radiohead and sign this. I think a petition of this sort with any less than 200 signatures is pretty worthless.
How come many of the big mainstream bands nowadays are all British? Coldplay, Muse, Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand.

Just wondering, is the UK a better place for musicians to thrive than Singaland? Or are musicians there just more committed and hardworking and more record labels?
Hey, as long as the promoter is willing to pay... there are loads of rumours about why Radiohead won't come to Singapore, etc. With Singapore having the reputation of a nanny state.... Who knows for sure?

For those peeps in this thread who are dying for them to come and yet state that The Bends is their fave album. It's adviseable that you might wanna stay away from their shows. They played only 2 songs off that album when I caught them live. 'The Bends' and 'Street Spirit' (Wooo hoo!). And nothing from Pablo Honey.

The current tour draws heavily from the In Rainbow album. 'Videotape' sounds amazing live. And needless to say, 'Reckoner' as well...
Caught them at VFest06 too... That was a much better show than the Tokyo one IMHO, although choping our spots at the front of the stage from 3pm onwards (with the occasional cup of beer flung skyward) was no fun.

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