Bras Basah Showroom's Mid Year Clearance Sale!!!

Sure thing. Tany, check your PM.

All the SOFTies block the door. Let the other softies get their gear... Those who blocking, get the people grabbing gear to get for you as well :) cmon we can pull this off! :)
tany said:
oh? what happened? hmmm, maybe we have collaboration. when the doors open, we chiong in and grab stuff, then we also help to block ppl from taking them :twisted: so it's like, some chiong, some block... :lol:

If i were sweelee's staff, I will chase you guys away. Who are you blocking people buying from Sweelee? Those people are also bringing money to Sweelee. Unless you tell them you are buying ALL the stuff.
the enthusiasm of you guys amaze me.

i sincerely hope you wont be sorely disappointed that day.

And if i knew someone in sweelee and he supposedly can help me to "reserve" stuff, its as good as jumping the queue and i wont be too proud to post it here
BlackMoo said:
Sir, I'll give you $150,000 for everything in this shop, including the chair you're sitting on. Thanks.

Mr Gates walks in and says, i'll take everything from you for 1 million pounds, and that pick you're holding, and i dont like your face and clothes, heres $150,000 for you to get a plastic surgery and buy some new clothes... At this moment, BlackMoo walks outta the store, shamed and sad...
Nah I'll go grab mr.gate's wallet and run the fxxx for my life.

I'll never need to wear the same socks twice again.

Private message from mr gates: you dumb cow!!! can't you just ask me nicely?!?!?! i'd could have given you the keys to the lambo to make a better getaway... and you could have ask for my pin number to my swiss bank account which had 50 million pounds... i have hired cops to catch you so i can throw my pin number aand my car keys at your face and thank you for robbing me...
Eventually he was caught by the police for theft, and has been referred to bill gates, who converted him into a cash cow and bought him a shangri la hotel with hot chicks in it and gave him 100, 000, 000 smackaroos to enjoy himself, cos he had some guts trying to carry a wallet with so many pounds in it .(pun)
Oh, BTW you guys got a chance to do this for real. Bill Gates will be at Suntec on Friday. Good luck getting past security.

P.S. I've met him.
Blackmoo i don't mean to disappoint you, but i think i saw someone buying the RG350 was on the table where they usually do set up and restringing...but i didn't notice if there was any cross your fingers ya?
Oh my GOD. JEM007. Thanks for the information. Argh man I'm so heartbroken now. Well. I dunno what to say. I'm totally shocked.

Proceed to plan B, Bank loan $5000 and buy a JEM7VWH to console my infinitely deep sorrow and live as a miser for the rest of my life to repay the debt.
vernplum said:
Oh, BTW you guys got a chance to do this for real. Bill Gates will be at Suntec on Friday. Good luck getting past security.

P.S. I've met him.

Cool! See if security can play wrestling with a huge horned cow.
somehow seems a bit too good to be true...50% off means the rg321 will be 300 bucks?? the gio series ibanez's will be 150+ bucks?? and 625 for the cool rg450..? somehow don't believe it...what even more tempting would be the US strats and teles at half price...too good to be true man..
well the sales rep here said all fenders subject to the deluxe teles are like 1700+? still ex haha..but the us stds are gonna be real cheap....

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