boss GT-10

yeah, city music's stuff can get really cheap when they are on sale, not sure whether on sale now though, if ur not in a hurry maybe can start saving up money now, then when got sale then go buy.. anyway, u play deathcore? u got a band?

i'll check it on they web.ty.. yea,i'm saving real hard nw.I even though of busking to earn more $$$..haha..
i wouldn't really consider the songs i play deathcore.u figure for urself cause i get really confused when it comes to various genre's names.i needa learn..someday.anyways i usually play songs by trivium,COB,metallica,megadeth,arch enemy,iron maiden,judas priest.
btw i saw ur band, ikilledkenny at music garage like last month.. gd performance man.and has ur band's name has anything to do with southpark?.. cause the character,kenny dies alomost EVERY episode..LOL
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haha, thanks thanks, well i guess ur into metal-metalcore type..
dam, those tones on the gt-10 sound so smooth.. haha, so cool, well luckily i dont need much effects, if not i would be gassing for the gt-10 bad..

haha, anyway, yeah, ikilledkenny! is related to the southpark character kenny, hope we dont get sued for copyrighted stuff or something =X
haha,i already have a board that i'm happy with

but if i didn't,then gt 10 would be definitely what i had to have.That video is mesmerizing!!


I used to own a GT8 and it did a good job for me (imo) but then again,it was pretty darn heavy to be lugging around,so i decided to go with the single pedals but then again, gt8 definitely prevented me from spending on other pedals because it had everything it in,what more do i need!haha.

alot of improvement for the gt 10.boss have outdone themselves.

hey.. i dunno whether they did smt to the amp or smt to make the sound this awesome so tt more ppl would buy it or it is really like tt..

haha.. den when u guys get famous, the creators of south park find out bout u guys den sue u.. and eric cartman would be their tt guy is sooo gd at talking.haha
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hey.. i dunno whether they did smt to the amp or smt to make the sound this awesome so tt more ppl would buy it or it is really like tt..

haha.. den when u guys get famous, the creators of south park find out bout u guys den sue u.. and eric cartman would be their tt guy is sooo gd at talking.haha
God, you're so lame, tsk.
i assume this is ur first time using effects? then i'd say go for the multi effects first.

honest, i find the boss gt8 and gt10 has too many things in one. if u are just starting and just try to get to the know the different dist and modulations, an ME-50 would be enough. it cost less than half the price. the distortions are obvious to choose from. just turn the knob and select mt2 or ds 1 or fuzz etc. its all knobs. very similar to using 3 stompboxes. one for dirt, another for mod and another for delay. super fool proof. go check it out. this should be enough for ur metal songs as generally only dirt, delay and some wah is needed.
i assume this is ur first time using effects? then i'd say go for the multi effects first.

honest, i find the boss gt8 and gt10 has too many things in one. if u are just starting and just try to get to the know the different dist and modulations, an ME-50 would be enough. it cost less than half the price. the distortions are obvious to choose from. just turn the knob and select mt2 or ds 1 or fuzz etc. its all knobs. very similar to using 3 stompboxes. one for dirt, another for mod and another for delay. super fool proof. go check it out. this should be enough for ur metal songs as generally only dirt, delay and some wah is needed.
I never complain from too many effects... Hahaha... but if you are indeed in a limited budget, pocket pod etc. can still work quite alright, plus its a good portable mefx for practice.
npe.. i have metal master and cry baby.. i just think tt it's gd to have a multi pad with alot of features so that it can be kept in a long term..perhaps u don't need tt particular effects nw. but let say if u're making a song.den u wanna add it tt specific effect.. u don have to buy a new single effects pad but can just use the multi pad u;re using..
will it be gd tt way?
Yeah, imagine you might wanna add something cute like synth type sound, a good synth type efx is rather ex actually... Having a mefx is just a convenience. Its not really to replace all your boutique efx etc, but really acts as a convenient thing.
I think the main reason to get a multi effects unit should be because of the amp + cab simulation. When we're jamming or gigging, we don't have the luxury of having the amp/cab configuration we want all the time. A multi effects would definitely help you nail your tone so that you sound consistent any where, any time.

Initially before I got my Pod X3 live, I was more attracted to the variety of effects I could use, but after actually using it, I realised the amp + cab simulation, mic type, parametric EQ, delay and reverb can shape my standard "guitar into mesa" distortion so nicely, I sounds like a product of a well-mastered track from a CD. I think the control multi effects gives us on stage when it is directly connected to the mixer/PA through XLR cables is worth every cent of the unit. I found that I spent less time tweaking my amp in studios and on stage and I have less problems blending into the rest of the band during rhythm, solos and what not with my volume control at the touch of my foot.

I haven't tried the GT-10 but I can tell you that the Pod X3's amp/cab/mic emulation is superb.
Only reason i would get a gt-10 instead of a x3 live would be the loop efx that included. Its a great add on if you're lacking a guitarist (ok, you gotta multi-task on this... haha... torture...).

Sound wise I'm unsure / unconvinced, but I believe its versatile enough to work around. Sighz... wait end of year when I'm feeling rich again then go GAS it out...
yea.. gt10's phrase loop is SUPERB!.. and it has this EZ tone setting to make u have that exact sound or tone u want. and there are various amp models too. i'll try out the pod x3 too
and it has this EZ tone setting to make u have that exact sound or tone u want.
I personally feel that this feature, which promotes easy of use, contradicts the other part in which you can nail the exact tone you want because, it should at most, only give you a general sound. To be exact, you need to actually tweak every single virtual "knob" on the unit. The feature is good for beginners who're starting out with multi effects, but not very useful later on.
serious?!!?! then maybe i shld spend much less money..perhaps less then $300 on a simple multi-effects proccessor to have the diff effects. but for the phrase loop, is there pedals which does tt?..single pads
sure has, but they don't come that cheap (i find...)

You can look around. I believe blackwood guitars should have a good loop efx, last time i looked...
zoom is cheap:)... but dunno if it's gd for live performances and heavy duty usage..
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