Boss CE-2 and AC-2 demos


New member
I recently got hold of 2 very nice Boss pedals, the awesome but discontinued CE-2 and the underrated AC-2.

The CE-2 is the old Boss Chorus, very warm and analog sounding.

The AC-2 is an acoustic SIMULATOR. I was not expecting this to turn my S520EX into an acoustic but rather to obtain a nice simulated tone.

Here are the links:

Boss CE-2

Boss AC-2

I played with different settings thru out the demos.

The CE-2 is my first chorus pedal and heh, I really don't have anything to compare it to. :) However, I passed it to a techie friend of mine and he reported it blew the Visual Sound H2O away. These units are hard to find nowadays, its good I managed to get one in very good condition. :D

The AC-2, NOW, I love it! There are 4 modes to play with and each sound VERY different from the other. Piezo, Enhanced (more presence for solos), Jumbo (bigger sound) and Standard are the modes. I love the way it simulates fret rattle on the electric into fretbuzz on an "acoustic". I didn't really mix the levels on the demo well, but yeah. :) I LOVE IT! With a touch of chorus (which I didn't use) and good reverb, this thing can add a lot of depth to your tone esp if you double your distorted rhythm with it.