...... or even implants..
Haha! I think you guys have mistaken implants for breast implants.
It's actually implants of beads and such,
some even comes in the shapes of stars and whatnot=)
Check out this if you're interested finding out more about it.
Please be warned that this might be horrifying to some.
Apologies to anyone that i may have offended with the link.
Still friends?=)
Hahah yeah ! Lol you're funny man . Btw i'm only 14-15 :-D !
hahah but thats ok , i watched it manymanymany times alrdy . :mrgreen:
ohmygod. you watch porn? And you're only 14-15? ohmygod dont use your computer and surf the net too much lest you become addicted. LOL.
ohmygod. you watch porn? And you're only 14-15? ohmygod dont use your computer and surf the net too much lest you become addicted. LOL.
I got an ear lobe piercing
and i enlarge it
and i got infection
now there this piece of meat at the back of my ear lobe
its nasty when i go to school many people ask what happen yeah.
kinda sad
anyway that infection is call a Blow-out / keloid