I'm need of your help. I have an RG350EX with an Edge III Bridge. I would like to know how block the bridge so that it won't float anymore. I have research about this problem and most of them talks about a Floyd Rose Bridge.
you can put a piece of wood/plastic thick enough behind the tremolo unit and put five springs.the wood must be at a certain thickness to make the trem leveled.
You can just buy the tremol-no. http://www.tremol-no.com/
I have tried to put in a piece of wood but it's not snugly in place. In an Edge III bridge, there's no way to put 5 springs. Maximum of 3 can be placed.
Is the Tremol-no available in Singapore?. Where can I get it?. I'm not fond of purchasing things online.
I managed to block my Edge III bridge with a piece of wood. I had to cut it to a smaller piece to make it fit nicely. Do PM me if you have any questions.