Black Sabbath cover band


New member
Hi All!

I’m guitarist who is looking for band mates (drummer, bassist and vox) who are keen to play Sabbath songs from all decades (Ozzy, Dio, Gillan, Hughs, Martin). If you are interested please drop me SMS or e-mail (or just give me a call).

My mob is 98170702 and e-mail:

Thx for viewing.
i might be interested... i play bass and am kinda into black sabbath/ozzy... i might have a drummer for a black sabbath cover band.. but hes more into ozzy over the other frontmen...

but to be frank.. both of us are kinda novices... so we might have a bit of catching up to do..
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I also prefer Ozzy area and don't have problems if you have to catch up we just need to try out. Can u send me your e-mail address and mobile so I can send songlist (for the start). Where do you stay or where you can come and rehearsal. I ussually went to Gaylang area (I don't know the name of studio, but will check and let you know). Also best time for me is evenings during weekdays.

Tell me your thoughts,
