Black Metal bands late 90's and 2000 era

well,people will rarely listen to bands who cant play music even if they tried so hard..

i've listened to too many BM bands- some of them simply can't play, they just get along with the fundamentals & ride on the BM theatrics. the average BM joe would listen to a BM band because he sees them in intriguing corpse paint, propelling blasphemy & challenging authorities- whether these people can make good music is another consideration.

well about some of them who cant play at all.. that is normal.. you can find that in all music genres.. no doubt about that.. and nowdays,there are too many bm bands,so its kinda of chaotic situation when u want to listen to all.. i did get a headache when i tried to check out all the bands.. well you have the average bm joe,the bm musicians who look out on the compositions of music itself, the bm fanatics who dont play instruments but listen to all type of bm, the bm collectors who collects rare vinyls,cds and cassettes of old demos,eps,albums and splits, the kvlt bm elites who only mix around with their kvlts,bands and brothers and last of all,the underground bm who just stick to just what they like to listen and wont bother or care less about the politics or events..
yes, Mr Blackwolf, Revenge's 'Infiltration. Downfall. Death.' is in my top 10 (all genres) albums of 08!!! I am v bad w titles but the songs blew my face apart!!! it was funny havin to put the pieces back together after that but thats the power ov tr00 ELITE kVlt supremacy for ya............

listen or remain the weaklings you are!!!
yes, Mr Blackwolf, Revenge's 'Infiltration. Downfall. Death.' is in my top 10 (all genres) albums of 08!!! I am v bad w titles but the songs blew my face apart!!! it was funny havin to put the pieces back together after that but thats the power ov tr00 ELITE kVlt supremacy for ya............

listen or remain the weaklings you are!!!

hahaha.. its one of the best bm albums released so far in 2008.. hmm,about "listen or remain the weaklings you are".. chill dude,i hate to say this but we have to go by the rules of SOFT.. so let those who dont listen to Revenge go and just dont listen to Revenge at all.. cheers! FluxUs,you have a myspace or msn?
yeah i listen to Kiyamat.
i dont know any of them band members.
im not in any band.
why ah ?

since kiyamat have been dormant for quite long.. well for now,i would say necroholocaust and saitan are the only bm bands active and i support them.. for other local acts, there are the bm bands that have dominated my ears - Abhorer, Impiety, Nechbeyth, As Sahar, Purbawisesa, Majusiah, Eibon, Exuberance, Sihir, Kiyamat, Nerraka, Zushakon, Imperial Tyrants and old Infernal Execrator..
since kiyamat have been dormant for quite long.. well for now,i would say necroholocaust and saitan are the only bm bands active and i support them.. for other local acts, there are the bm bands that have dominated my ears - Abhorer, Impiety, Nechbeyth, As Sahar, Purbawisesa, Majusiah, Eibon, Exuberance, Sihir, Kiyamat, Nerraka, Zushakon, Imperial Tyrants and old Infernal Execrator..

nice list.

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