biyang metal end king loud background noise


Hi guys,

I have a biyang metal end king that sounds great but then it is extremely noisy, especially when i crank gain or mids. My noise gate after it doesnt have enough threshold to cut e hiss, even at lower volume levels or gain levels. The tone of the pedal at lower volume settings is also being affected.

Is there any mods i may do to rectify this? Like swapping out capacitors etc.

Thanks =D
the MEK is a very high gain pedal. Too much hiss means there's too much gain.

Some factors you might be facing may not be the pedal but some other stuff contributing to the noise.

1. poor grounding on the guitar
2. single coiled pups
3. power supply
4. cheap quality cables

These are just to name a few but if all else fails, rolling the gain off will cut the noise significantly.
Y'know, this is a repeat of the previous thread that you made.

But yes, no modding will ever help you with making your metal pedal silent or have the noise reduced sufficiently to help your noise gate work effectively.

Did you try playing around with the placement of the noise gate to see if it helps? In fact, why not try putting the noise gate in between the distortion and compressor or before the wah and after your guitar? Reducing any noise before it hits the distortion and get 'gained up' is a good thing to keep in mind.
Thanks to the replies

Ok sure i will bear these in mind.

I have always loved using the noise gate to completely cut off noise in a non playing situation, i guess i will put the noise gate in front of the pedals and give it a try. Thanks