

New member
hey guys, just a thought caame in my mind when i see faizal hacker make a thread bout his bday. its seems like most of you e bday is on april mayb musician shuld born on april??? mayb?? mayb??? mayb?? just wanna see haha for fun
such a redundant thread.

moreover, please make thread title more appropriate, maybe something like "Musicians birthdays and April? "

i dunno, something interesting
3 dec
5 april
1 may
1 feb

Didn't know softies only have 10 pple tat remembered their bday...............haha .jkjk. mayb april is the musician month. haha
Oh so many ppl on April.... Apparently i share to same birthday as Michael Romeo Of Symphony X.... 6 March....*Wink*
and i share same birthdate as Mike Portnoy of Dream Theatre.
woo! i think i said that already

theunknown: yea! legalilty rules!