Big street acoustics



Big Street Singapore and A Group of People (AGOP) presents Big Street Acoustics, a public event showcasing acoustic music from young and uprising local artistes from around Singapore. We believe in preserving Singapore's local music scene by providing the platform to perform. We strongly encourage youths to express themselves artistically through music and immerse themselves with good company through a community that connects through music. We are looking for a total of 12 acoustic bands for this event. There will be a competition between the bands. A prequel event will also follow in May 2018 so do stay tuned !

Venue: 104 - 106 Jalan Besar, Singapore 208828
Date: 18 April 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 3pm to 9pm

  • Simply send a message via Whatsapp/Telegram to (+65) 9067 9019 to register your band for this competition event.
  • There is a total of only 12 slots available

  • Each band needs to sell a minimum of 20 tickets ($10 each)
  • Each band is allocated only 20 tickets; no more or less.
  • Each band is entitled to 30 minutes performance time
  • Only acoustic bands will be eligible for this competition showcase
  • This is not a Pay-to-play gig. Please understand we have to pay for the venue rental, sound equipment etc.

1. Best Ticket Sales
2. Best Performance
3. Best Votes
All 3 winning bands for each of the category will be entitled to $50 Big Street Loyalty card to be spent at Big Street Singapore.
* Best Performance band will get a chance to perform with AGOP Band on 2nd June 2018 with a real client in a wedding.
>claims to support young and uprising local artistes
>pay to play
>winner gets to play at a wedding

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Hey guys. Let's have a conversation, please.

You've clearly stated that all participants are to "sell a minimum of 20 tickets". What happens if the performers don't manage to meet this minimum? Are they to repay the value of the unsold tickets? Placing a minimum on the musicians puts them on the hook for $200 worth of tickets to be sold. Musicians who seek to participate in competitions such as these often dont have a fanbase that they can draw upon, much less one willing to pay nearly market price just to watch a show such as this. Per your own words, these are musicians who are "young and uprising".

I'd unfortunately have to question the "Best Ticket Sales" prize, as it does appear that the burden of marketing and pulling an audience is being placed on the musicians instead. Could you also elaborate on the prize that the winner receives - playing a wedding gig with AGOP band? Is this a one-off performance for an audience of one family? Will the band be remunerated for this performance?

I understand that the organizers incur venue and equipment rental costs. Musicians also incur costs when they book practice studios, transport their instruments to a gig, and have to pay for food when they are out at gigs.

Thanks for answering in advance, and I hope we can come to a mutual understanding!
Hi all, Thank you for your responses. I have been in ticket-selling gigs as a band and an organizer since 2008. I understand how you feel about it being unreasonable to be asked to sell 20 tickets. I have been in the shoes of those bands and I understand the difficulties faced. I had to pay upfront to the organizer for the unsold tickets. However, I am trying to push up a gig with very little resource for purposes of showcasing local talents and bands. Venue costs, sound equipment cost, transportation, set-up and other administrative costs are not cheap. If the bands are unable to sell the 20 tickets, they are not obliged to pay for the un-sold tickets - that is day light robbery. We will just leave the case as it is. I am hoping to bring more musicians together. Understand that as much as we market the event on our own - the bands are not heard of (which we are trying to get more people to know about them) thus it is not unreasonable for the bands to also spend time to market themselves through this gig. I hope my answers clarifies the 2 responses above. Thank you and have a good Friday.
Hi all, We apologize that the event will be cancelled due to licensing issues. Deepest apologies to all those who registered with us. We will still be organizing more gigs in the future so do look out for us ! Thanks and god bless !
Brenkoh , pity about the licensing issues but all the best for your future shows!