Bhelliom,FireBrands,Withered Tree,MetalGunz, Psychotherapy All in one gig@Home Club!


New member
(Rock Unity!!)Bhelliom, FireBrands, Withered Tree, MetalGunz, Psychotherapy@Home Club


Yes friends for just 12 bucks FOR 2 DRINKS! alchohlic/non alco... i'm heading for the beer ;) You also enjoy 5 of singapores finest hard rockin, heavin metal , grinding , moshing, Headbangin lineups. It is a must to see you guys at home club. start getting your tickets Now! Good Show Promised see you guys at th ROck Unity Show. 24th NOV 6 pm

Do support.
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OH YEAH .. Some ppl have been calling to ask and we would just like to tell you guys that yes you could reserve the presale tickets . just call and leave your name and contact number.
Oh yea!This is gonne be one sick amazing show!Five killer bands..miss this and be false!! :)

Brutally yours..
Penny Torture
I'm helping to sell tickets too!

Whoever is interested in going can leave me a pm or email me [email address on my public profile].

Cheers all!
YEAH DUDE $12 BUCKS FOR 2 BEERS/HOUSPOURS.... quite a deal... and 5 really good bands .. ahem * haha few days to go!
Definitely not. No place running a proper business will allow it. Neither will the organizers.

wahhh, FIERCE!! hahahaha.

thanks SHYAM ! woooo. hahaha.
k la. i'll drink and cheers to u while ur performing.
cuz i'd rather be up there moshing and headbanging!