Best Software


New member
Hi Softies,

I'm gonna make a home recording studio, any idea what is the best software to use and where can i get it from? thankz...
as above, guess protools is the industry standard. but i am very happy with my Cakewalk Sonar 7 PE. do u have a budget?
if you are doing dance music, then i will advice you to get ableton live and Reason=)

and if you still got some spare cash in hand then maybe, you will want to get a Cubase 4 or Sonar 7.
It's hard to define "best". Each DAW software has it's strengths and weaknesses.

One of the best comparison out there: Digital Music Doctor - Pro Audio video tutorials for DigiDesign Pro Tools, Steinberg Cubase, Cakewalk Sonar, Sony Acid, Sony Sound Forge, Apple GarageBand, Apple Logic Pro, Ableton Live, Audio Mixing, Audio Mastering.

This is the most unbiased ratings I can find in the web. It's of course not perfect, but it's a near perfect comparison. As you can see, in the ratings, although Protools has the best value ratio, it's functional/overall rating is the lowest. Sonar 7 and Cubase 4 are a close fight.

How I would use the chart - I'm heavily midi/sequencing based. Hence by consideration would either be Sonar or Cubase. Cubase seems to do better overall for midi functionality. Click on the details for the midi section, and I'll see that most of the places where Sonar loses to Cubase is not crucial for my needs. But Cubase cost 300USD more than Sonar! (value ratio much lower). Hence I decided to get Sonar instead of Cubase to replace my old Windows Logic.

Remember to check the details under each section.
If you're only recording audio, Protools LE will do the job. If you're gonna do lotsa MIDI stuff, Logic, cubase, sonar will be more ideal.
Using MAC?
Audio Stuff : ProTools LE or ProTools M-Powered (using M Audio HW)
MIDI Stuff : Logic or Cubase (I prefer Cubase), Logic not Logic for me :mrgreen:
For Quickie Express Demo : Garage Band!!

Using PC?
Audio Stuff : ProTools LE or ProTools M-Powered (using M audio HW)
MIDI Stuff : Cubase

Why ProTools LE? because you invest in Audio Interface and get the ORIGINAL INDUSTRY STANDARD SOFTWARE. Do I like Digidesign Guy?

Digi003+MPtool kit, you will have 48 Stereo Tracks (equal to 96 tracks mono). I do alotof Commercial projects using ProTools LE, and no complaint about the sound.

Happy Converting :mrgreen: