Best Bass Distortion

lil big muff is a fuzz not a distortion. for overdrive/distortion stuff, the best around your price range would be a homebrew hematoma which is $280. i've reserved the only one ebenex brought in tho.

other than that, there's the ibanez ts9 and dod 250. those two along with the odb and pd7 takes away the low end so you might look into getting a blender to mix both clean and dirty signals. imo the pd7 and odb gives a very metalic fake distortion which seems a bit too harsh for my liking. the ts9 is very natural but your tone gets a bit too muddy. my recommendation would be a modded 2nd hand ts9 for something below 250.
The TS-9 is not muddy in my opinion, it just sucks the lows away. it is a very light OD with an extreme Mid Freq boost
A true-bypass option is available if you Mod it.
The PD-7 was not to my liking and I sold it away as it was a noisy bugger.
I also have a Sansamp BDDI which gives more warmth than OD.
I also have Behringer MIC 200 Tube Pre-Amp which can go into OD but starting farting after a year.
My EBS Valvedrive can go to OD, but I don't use it for that purpose.
Just try as many pedals as possible and pick the one you like.
the best i feel is the MXR blowtorch....
damn sexy and looks damn...indestructable

great sounds, from the rich and thick sound to the weak trashy sounds
rather happy with the mxr m-80

i think it preserves the low end, it's got 3 band EQ and the all important blend function for a nice sweet overdrive that just cracks up when you're playing slightly harder. really works when you're pounding thru allowing your guitarist to fill up the top end and not use too much distortion on his own.
tks guys for the feedback. I heard of bassjuice haha. but damn the price. ill just wait a lil longer for more comments

many many

save your money buy a russian big muff pi. its pretty good sounding and awesome sustain. I have dod FX92 bass grunge.. highly rated and very funky grunge/fuzz sounding. think swee lee was selling for $50 during their nov/dec sale. see what they got this time in june!
come on man, there's no such thing as a 'best' when it comes to fx. youre talking about SOUNDS. that's subject to whatever you're using it for.

here is something that i took pains to research some time ago

its also noteworthy that 'overdrive' and 'fuzz' are both fall under 'distortion' pedals in this article. from what i've read in these forums some people swear to the death that these effects are totally different. that is up to the interpretation. they are just words, words trying to describe sounds

Let’s Clarify some terms: For the purposes of this article, “distortion” refers to all pedals of this type, even though some are called “overdrive” or “fuzz.” The naming scheme stems from a pedal’s intended sound: Overdrives are usually designed to sound similar to vacuum tubes driven to distortion, fuzzes are intentionally harsh and intense, and pedals called “distortion” may sound like either one or something in between. Regardless, they all use clipping to create the distorted effect.

anyway i agree with corlando, the pd7 is damn noisy
zero_g: ahh... i see a few mods done in the US, but all "custom jobs". think i'm better off replacing it then to mod it, cos i'm totally convinced the odb-3 is more of a dist/fuzz pedal than an overdrive
i too really think that there's no such thing as best bass distortion...

it all really just depends on what sound you want