Belated Chuck Schuldiner's anniversary

that's strange though eh? that chuck schuldiner couldn't afford treament even after all the album he sold. dayum...... kinda sucks that the death metal community dint help out more, his record company only tried to sell a "live in eindhoven" cd to help out butit wasn't even released in stores, only thru mailoreder. sucks....look at chuck billy from testament, him and schuldiner had cancer around the same time but chuck billy had a whole charity concert called thrash of the titans just for his treatment.
I think Chuck had a concert done for him too to raise money for treatment.. I guess it didnt go well or there wasnt enough time..
ShredCow said:
I do like the Sound of Perserverence album a lot, that is my favourite extreme vocals so far. The topics he sang make more sense than many of the other gore-inclined bands - a sign of maturity.

Tone on Sound Of Perseverance is horrible - I agree, but Chuck had the heaviest sound EVER on the "Spiritual Healing" and "Human" albums. Check them out if you get a chance (I own all the Death albums so can help you here.. :)).

Re: other people's comments on the death metal community helping him out, I read someplace that his treatment *started* at USD $100,000 and he didn't have adequate insurance - the DM community isn't exactly large and diverse so I guess that goes someplace to explaining the inability of his family to get people to help pay - though many did donate.

I am ashamed to say that I did not donate any money - I wasn't particularly financially secure myself back then and had a lot of expenses myself. I did sign the family guestbook with my comments at the time and was very moved by a lot of those that I read; Chuck inspired me and I can only hope that one day I have the awesome riffing right hand that he possessed - btw the DM flame lives on - I bought a Digitech Death Metal pedal today at the SL sale. :)

...additionally, let's not forget James Murphy's troubles too - incredible guitarist who played with Chuck in Death (Spiritual Healing album) and with Cancer and Obituary. Awesome player who also fought brain cancer (he still survives I believe).
Did you watch the roadrunner dvd? James looks pretty haggard in that compared to his older photos..

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