beginner guitarist need help to improve quickly

I like the hirajoshi scale. Learn that and jsut get some backing tracks and play along and improvise =)

Oh and combine it with e minor scale.
Learn scales and practice practice practice til your fingers hurt. I believe scales helps strengthens individual fingers and make them dexterous.
major and minor pentatonics are essentially the same thing just that the root notes are different.

The 5 types of pentatonics are just variations of each other. If you play them all in a certain sequence, you find that each type connects to another so this way you can play both across the fretboard and down it too.
^ yeap correct. letsa you got an A pentatonic blues minor. wanna make it major? move that shape 3 frets down. then play tt same shape. that will be an A pentatonic blues major.
it will add more flavour to your playing coz of more choices of notes
well but technicality aside, most important thing is use your EARS.

no point learning scales and all that stuff if you dunno how to apply them in the right context. your ears are there to guide you!

if you really wanna improve quickly, best is to get out there and jam with other musicians that are better den you. It'll force you to relook your technique and approach and you'll improve quickly.

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