beginner guitarist need help to improve quickly


New member a beginner guitarist.only just got my ibanez last wondering if any of u ppl got any tips to help me improve quickly with my solos.first of all, i got no patience.second of all, im a slow can handle easy solos like metallica but i cant for more difficult stuff like im looking for some advice.
wah so fast learn solo..hehe..
well all i can say is you need to practice more...and you need more patience.
oh dun forget to warm up...
btw hav u got the mt2? else i go and mod the bugger..
i'd recommend changing ur attitude towards practising.. don't make it seem like a chore, coz it's supposed to be fun! the minute you dread it, then stop immediately. go do some other stuffs then when you feel like you're ready, pick up the gtr again..

if you wanna learn ppl's solo, get guitar pro 5, download the tabs, then slow the song down. it really helps =)

guitaring is 1% talent, 2% guitar teacher and 98% practise!!

ouh btw, thanks for the hardcase!! :D
i agree with everybody too, and heres mine

work on your technique to the max. practice your palm mute, hammer ons/pull offs, alternate picking etc etc etc..your technique will prevent you from screwing up when learning new stuff
to everybody: thnx for the advice.

to penguin:'t got my mt2 yet.serious lack of $$. how to warm up??

to sleepykitty: i want my money. :lol: and where do i get guitar pro 5??

to fenderrules: i'll keep that in mind.
warm up as in...stretching those fingers or avoid injury...
if you feel pain while practising stop...just a precaution.

other than that ..practice "cleanly" and do not rush ...else you`ll get sloppy.
er...if ur really serious ..practice with a metronome..

as for techniques..its up for you to decide what to learn...
i recomend practice standing up once in a while...
sleepykitty: yay!!thnx!!but beware.. :twisted: :lol:

penguin:kk..thnx for the advice man.i will.i guess.if i got the patience.lols.i'll work on it.
well the basic one most people would recommend would be that pentatonic "box".
but do move on to others or it might just get a little too repetitive/boring.
hi there (: i find this link pretty useful

i think it's impt to get the basics right,practise scales,memorise them,learn to create your own solos after that.Memorise the basic chord shapes and techniques like hammer-on /pull-off.
i think it's best not to practise to make permanent , no point nailing a difficult solo if the basics are not there.

yup (: just some thoughts from an amatuer guitarist , hope it helps

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