BC Rich Guitars

quite true. but yeah, i dont think bcrich guitars are a really good investment.. its basically a guitar made for the stage, for presence and visual purposes.. fo rsound wise and tone, i dont think its that great.. but it'll work i suppose..
they are investments

it's just that the reward isn't money =D

my experience with bc rish guits is that they're 1) painful to play sitting down 2) the sharp ends tend to chip off really easily 3)hard to find good bags for.

sound wise, haven't heard the better ones, if there are any..
RazrAsh said:
but as for sound, doesn;t sound fantastic to me, a lil like the Gio series of rg guitars.

this is a relevant statement in light if the domestic BC Rich units available here- none are American.
Some of the American Hand made BC Rich guitars sounds awesome. I wouldn't say it's versatile (at least the ones I've tried) as the configurations are pretty much 'fixed', unless of course you have one custom made. However, I'd have to say that the tone just doesn't justify the price. Looks great though.
Funk said:
Some of the American Hand made BC Rich guitars sounds awesome. I wouldn't say it's versatile (at least the ones I've tried) as the configurations are pretty much 'fixed', unless of course you have one custom made. However, I'd have to say that the tone just doesn't justify the price. Looks great though.


most BC Rich's you see in singapore are kinda low end broze series and stuff. Higher end ones are much much better.
I'm trying to find the stealth series one to try it out.. Don't think davis brings them in..
rx7 ,stealth are handcrafted guitar.u have to order them b.c rich do not make them any more only handcrafted.It will cost your about US$3000
Bro thanks for telling, i didn't know they were handcrafted.. I've always wanted one since i watched chuck and his guitar.. Doubt i'll ever get one haha
used to be cheaper around the 90's,but every year they Increase price,The one's u see in singapore are the cheap ones,they give the bad name for b.c rich but love the NJ series
i see on their website all the guitar bodies made of either Nato or Agathis...

from what i read on other websites, these 2 woods seem to be the cheaper versions of mahogany...

in otherwords, they sound like low grade mahogany... still fat and all but sounds dead...

i don't think any change of passive pickups on these kinda bodies will work... if u get 1 of these guitars and expect to sound decent, the most logical thing to do is to change to active pickups so as to supress the inherit sound of the woods...
u mean the M7 Signature Special,i have that but change the bridge
to a Floyd Rose Tremolo and install emg-hz,it has a nice tone

But have the MICK NJ signature series NOT the cheap one.The one with
the HATE inlay across fret 2 to 5 with bloody red, binding from top to
bottom and with emg 81 & 85 with MICK SIGNATURE on the back on the
headstork,THAT give u a fucking cool tone
Yup..Totally agree with you Bro!!yeah!!CHeers!!But strangely enough,i did find out somewhere that eric clapton use to use a BC.Rich during his early days..Hmmn,weird isn't it??As BC Rich is often associated with Metalheads..Maybe he using strat ah??I don't know..yeah!!CHEERS to BC Rich!!