BBE DI-1000 DI Box


New member
anyone using one to record their music at home or in the studio? Anything to share regarding the di box?
The DI box help to convert your Guitar output(Hi-Z) to a Mic Signal(Low-Z)
U should use it to plug into a mixer mic input.The mic in on your soundcard is also counted.It will improve your signal quality and remove buzzing due to bad grounding.

I'm a huge fan of BBE stuff. Been using their first generation DI for a long time. Really love the way they sweeten the highs and also gives the lows more definition.

Does anyone know where to buy the DI-1000? Cos so far swee lee only brings in the DI-100x, but I would like the higher end model.


2.f.f. 8)
thanks guys..i know wat its used for and how it works...any good or bad comments/experiences/opinions/views/or watever to share bout BBE DI-1000? i would want to know more bad than good if any..and by the way where can i find one?
i loaned this box for a direct recording once - it worked really fine - yup sweet highs n defined lows - its addictive for guitarist too. :)

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