bassists who use tubescreamers, come in!


New member
just want to see what's the people's opinion is like

which tubescreamer do you like best for bass?

i'm thinking of getting one soon. i did a search and someone mentioned that the TS9DX on TURBO mode retains alot of low end for bass. i haven't been able to try the entire TS family, but i was quite pleased with the way a bass sounded on the TS9.

thinking of getting a TS7, and modding it the next time i pluck fruit from the Money Tree, if needed. but that's based on my budget, and the funky pandan cake design
I only have a TS9(stock). I don't use the overdrive, only as a Mid Boost.
Might get it modded one day if I have the cash.
i think abit of mild od will help cut through the mix. i've been using fuzzes, with all the messiness don't really give the same effect.

how does it sound when you crank up the drive?
For the TS9 it's mild, and very dry, lacks bottom end.
For the SansAmp, it's mild but warmer as you can add bass frequencies.
For the Valvedrive, well it can go quite dirty with some compression and has nicer tube warmth.
i had the ts9dx. found that it took away the lows too much at any mode and really muddied up my tone. i had a barber direct drive for a bit and i prefered that altho it robbed the lows as well. try the barber ltd for something somewhat affordable. josh has one.
tim: agreed. there's only one mode that had minimal bass loss, can;'t remember which. the currrent ts9 mode i'm fooling ard with has major bass loss issues. got to place my sansamp bddi after it to boost the lows

i shall continue tweaking...
You owe it to yourself to try a digitech Bad Monkey.

Transparent to the overall tonality (doesn't exxagerate anything to the point of nonusefulness) and retains low end like a bassist will appreciate.