Bassist Wanted


New member
Looking for bassist to fill up my band's lineup. We do lots of 80s and classic rock covers and abit of funky top 40s from time to time so preferably should have the same musical taste. Able to commit around once a week or once every two weeks. Best if you could send me some of your demos so we have a rough idea of each other's standard. Do contact me at 93388706 if you're interested to try. Peace. :)

You could check out my Youtube Channel to get an idea of the stuffs we play:
Hi Aaron,

I checked out some of the stuff your band does, and I'm interested.

The stuff that I play are mostly funk and 80's pop (think Madonna, Michael Jackson, Narada Michael Walden), as well as stuff from the 2000s. Can't help but favour the old songs.

Here's my YouTube channel:

My more presentable videos are on Facebook though, so do add me at if you need to see them.

I have 0 (zero, nada) experience in gigging, and only jammed with friends once, so if that'll be an issue, I'll pass. If not, I'll be more than willing to learn new songs, or even expand into other genres.

You can contact me at 96229801.

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