Bassist wanted


New member
Band: Breath Of Phobia
Genre: Alternative Metal,Alternative Rock,Metal.
Line Up and Influences:

Guitar/Vocal: Fit Avenger (Breaking Benjamin,Incubus,A7X,Chimaira,Slipknot)
Drum: Mad Muddy (Breaking Benjamin,Slipknot,A7X,Muse)

We're looking for a full time bassist(person who spends alot of their time with their bass) who is willing to sacrifise at least two days a week to commit to the band. We are into our own songs now and not playing any more covers. Bassist does not need to have the same influeces as long as committed and is into making song. Does not have to be really good with the bass but if you are then it is a bonus :).

Looking for someone age 18 or below.Why?

1. Playing with someone who is much much older gives that awkward feeling.
2. Communication purposes(easier to talk to as we are about the same age)
3. We tend to be very immature and some 'older' people just dont like us.

so yea if you are intrested do pm/hit/post/shoot/reply back :)
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