Bassist and Drumer Needed For Original Compositions


New member
Hello! - Looking For Needles In the Hay Stack Probably.

Looking For: a) Bassist & b) Drummer

Size of Band : Lead, Bass & Drums OR 2 guitars, Bass & Drums
Genre: Rock
Interest : Originals only. (not interested in cover players)
Standard of musicians ; Steady and Audible
Singing ability: Some Backing Vocals Only. (no big shit acapella nonsense here)

Attitude: Humble (Very Important - As Superstars Not Needed Here)
Creativeness: subjective ( smoke on the water is 3 chords only and a big hit)

1. PM me.

1. SMS or Call me to chat more. (HP 96707082)

What type of genre you guys playing??
I assume you guys are classic rock due to the Smoke on the Water referrence??