
1. you save up and buy 3 cheap basses

2. you sell 3 cheap basses, buy a more expensive bass.

3. you save up and buy another 2 more expensive basses.

4. you sell all 3 more expensive basses, buy an even more expensive bass.

5. repeat the pattern till shiok

Wrong! :D

1. You save up and buy 3 cheap basses

2. Sell 1 Cheap bass to fund for another expensive bass.

3. Save up and buy another expensive bass.

4. Now, you have 2 expensive and 2 cheap.

5. Sell 1 Cheap bass to fund for another expensive bass.

6. Save up and buy another expensive bass.

7. Now, you have 4 expensive and 1 cheap.

Repeat till you got nothing in your room to trade anymore. (PSP, TV, Speakers etc..)


oh btw, I'm just kidding. I don't do that. Save some money for greater purpose. haha!
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in terms of selling the price will always drop. (you buy $100 but only managed to sell $80). I think save the money and hit it big will be a better way. Start of with a budget but moderate bass. Give yourself a target amount or target bass u desire and save all the way. For my next bass it would probably be another 3-5yrs to buy. lol

Good Luck.