Bass Tremolo


New member
Has anyone tried installing a bass tremolo here? I'm thinking of fixing one to my Jazz Bass, but I understand that a cavity needs to be created for the springs. Is there one that can be mounted on the bass straight without doing any surgery to the bass?
I think RR meant that there is no bass tremolo that can be installed on the bass without routing.
Yeah, I'm interested in the Kahler Hybrid 7400. Have sent them this question on fixing the tremolo. Waiting for their answer, cos I don't want to do anything major to my bass.
Ok. Got the reply from Kahler. For those who are interested, like me, to fix a tremolo on their basses, you HAVE to create a cavity in the body for the springs as well as the support for the bridge.


I'm using this baby now, haha. Of course another way would be to play wth the volume knob, but nothing beats having a whammy bar. But of course, it's a want and not a need... :D
I got it at Swee Lee Sale, 50% off. Paid $580 for it. About a year plus old already. Don't really have much time to explore it's full potential, so I'm actually using most of the basic pedal functions right now.
I think the price dropped dramatically already, since the guitar GT8 retails for a little less than 1k now. But good buy, that's a really useful multi effect. 8)
dave larule works wonders on that tremolo..

maybe you can pm me.

i've got a friend who might be able to do it for you if you're interested.