Bass Synth

Ibanez's one not bad,
quite cheap also.
dunno about the quality though,
but i think should be reasonable
if you want to use it to experiment stuff.
i quite fancy the ehx synth. it gives you an octaver, a square wave fuzz, and time based filters. so it's like 3 effects in one.

the old one worked, and the new one is supposed to be better. if i had a little (A LOT) of spare cash, this would be high on my list

used to have the ibanez a LONG time ago, it wasn't too bad, but relatively limited lah. i heard the boss is not bad either, if you're into these brands
yea, the boss SHOULD be better than the ibanez cause of the price tag.
but i think the ibanez one more worth it lah, cause you're paying 400bucks for the boss one and you're paying 100bucks for the ibanez one.
the boss one does give u more options though.

i'm also trying to find a bass synth,
considered the EHX microsynth,
but it doesn't allow saving of presets
so i think it's gonna be hard to change from
1 sound to another in a split second=\
The Bass Micro Synth is pretty good albiet a bit expensive. There's a smaller XO version out now.

If you don't want to spend so much on a synth, you might want to check out the Digitech Bass Synth Wah. Highly rated, especially for the price point.
KeDraiv : If you are looking for a synth whereby you can save presets, then the Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer is the one you want to be looking at.
haha yea, but that would cost erm...
maybe i'll just look at the synths offered by multi efxs.
should be cheaper i think.
yea, the boss SHOULD be better than the ibanez cause of the price tag.
but i think the ibanez one more worth it lah, cause you're paying 400bucks for the boss one and you're paying 100bucks for the ibanez one.
the boss one does give u more options though.
the boss is 400? i knew it was ex but 400... OMG!!!

i've heard some good stuff about the digitech

i'm still tending towards the BMS not only for the features, but for the way the pedal operates. personal preference :)

i'm ok with the presets thing cos (for now, at least) i dont see a need to switch between 2 synth settings.

alot depends on your needs and how u intend to use the pedal
woo. Thanks guys, haven really heard all the rest yet.
Only heard the EHX one. And i might say its pretty good.
But probably gonna blow a hole in my wallet.
that's why people think you are 'cool' for playing the bass. people will find things that they either can't or are not willing to do 'cool'
i think chunk system octavius squeezer comes closest to what i want.
although the akai deep impact seems to suit what i play also, but too bad it's discoutinued...

any idea where to get the squeezer?
got to start saving up for it.=]
oh i see...

gonna be more complicated if bringing in from overseas

yea aussie dollar quite weak now but i still don't have enough.

i think i'll have to wait=[=[