bass setup ?


New member
hmm from what i've heard, no matter where you buy your bass from or whether its new, you shld send it to be setup first... where do you guys setup your bass and for how much ?? thanks! haha
i'd do it myself! i'm quite a technical person lah .. when i got my first 5-stringer i dismantled it time and again to see how it exactly works ... after that i adjust accordingly .. i think i dismantled to the point my neck warped .. hahahah .. oops ... i know what i want exactly though after a while ... really low action ... soft feel to it .. nice slappable and tappable feel to it .. ...

if you feel insecure about doing your own bass bring to any guitar shop they'll do for you for a small fee lah .. i think around 20bucks? .. if i'm not wrong .. or a little more .. Guitar Workshop at Bras Brasah does it .. Luthermusic .. G77 .. find Beez .. Davis ..
haha thanks dude! i tried doing it myself but somehow it doesnt seem(and sound) right. so.. yeah. down to the shop!
lol ur fortress? man.. that's sad. i would hate to see my rockbass neck warp. oih btw i tink i've decided to change my rockbass to active. maybe some EMGs too. heh heh..
Z3r0_G said:
lol ur fortress? man.. that's sad. i would hate to see my rockbass neck warp. oih btw i tink i've decided to change my rockbass to active. maybe some EMGs too. heh heh..

no lah .. Hamer Cruise Bass ... GO FOR IT MAN .. EMGs are nice ... but your output will be higher than usual lah .. hotter also ..
if my warwick neck warps so bad i'll either change it to fretless or get a new birds eye maple neck from them..

maybe i'll just let it warp then. hahaha

thats when pigs start flying. haha. everybody who owns warwicks here knows that warwick necks warp in humid spore. even thirsty hippo not thirsty enough. haha
Z3r0_G said:

thats when pigs start flying. haha. everybody who owns warwicks here knows that warwick necks warp in humid spore. even thirsty hippo not thirsty enough. haha

yeah .. and when i emailed them they told me won't warp .. bluff people one lah ..
everytime u set something pull the string outwards away from the fretboard at the 12th fret. this will help ease the tension and let everything go whee it's supposed to be. hope that helps.
slapwalkpop said:
eeeh crap. i tried setting the intonation leh but no matter how i turn the screw the 12th fret is still flat... :( how ?

aiyah .. just send to a shop to do for you lah .. or i can do for you also .. i won't charge .. but you have to come to my house .. =P ..

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