Bass recommendation for Metal or Hard Rock


New member
Hi, I'm into my 1st year playing bass and my band is playing metal & hard rock songs.I'm interested in investing in a very good bass.What bass do you guys recommend?

Hope to hear recommendation from you guys...

Rock on....
pre '66 Fender Precision(that's if you dare use it lah)
Pre ernie ball stingray
Bongo...(the variety of tone is stunning, it'll make people who say tone is in their hands crap in their pants.)
u can get a esp f series bass, same as tom araya and change to some emg pickups. Through experience most of the amps u get in clubs or metal gigs are quite sucky, you would need a bass with some kick ass pickups like emgs to give u a mid range boost to cut through the mix. the esp F series purely for the looks, lol. When playing metal and rock the look is very important.
well......i do agree with BASSICS that for metal or rock,looks is very important.But i'm more into the quality of the sound...

HOLAS its true it will most unlikely to budget right but i'm saving around $1000 to $1500 for a new bass..
lets say my budget is about 300... where do u think is the best place for me to get a bass?? i play metal btw.
Hi, I'm into my 1st year playing bass and my band is playing metal & hard rock songs.I'm interested in investing in a very good bass.What bass do you guys recommend?

Hope to hear recommendation from you guys...

Rock on....

ESP =D Their basses are mostly active, perfect for metal/heavy rock, if it's over your budget, you can get LTD or Edwards =)
u can get a esp f series bass, same as tom araya and change to some emg pickups. Through experience most of the amps u get in clubs or metal gigs are quite sucky, you would need a bass with some kick ass pickups like emgs to give u a mid range boost to cut through the mix. the esp F series purely for the looks, lol. When playing metal and rock the look is very important.

how much are theese emg pickups??? n where do i get them???
Perhaps, u might want to have ur trip down. The friendly sales will help u around. lol
U need to feel, hear and play the Bass in order to make a choice u like. Not only base on $$$ and comments in forum. thanks.