Bass n Elec

Bass n Elec

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Hi juz wanted to noe how many bassist here plays actually more like
owns an electric guitar as well...

N wad guitar might that be...
Juz for chatting purposes ^.^
I have :
Congress acoustic(with 3 year old strings... haha. use it to figure out chords)
Epiphone Les Paul Light Burst(hardy ever touch this heavy beast. played thru an old cheap zoom pedal via headphones)

I had :
Eric Clapton Strat(sold off quite some time ago).

Still lovin' my bass though.
i play guitar before i picked up bass.

still playing the guitar though. own a Cort Earth 100F acoustic that i bought late last year.

used to own a squier strat for a while, dumbly sold it off!!!! i bought that really cheap and it played quite well. still dunno what got into me that time to sell it away.

feel that bass players should know a bit of what each instrument does in a band, in such a way we can understand how each instrument functions and shape our lines better. it helps me work better with other musicians as well once i understand their instrument.
I just sold off my Squier 51. I have a Congress acoustic which works pretty well for me. Thinking of getting a Squier SD-2. I also played guitar before I started playing bass. =)
feel that bass players should know a bit of what each instrument does in a band, in such a way we can understand how each instrument functions and shape our lines better. it helps me work better with other musicians as well once i understand their instrument.

+1 to that exin!

also, most instruments also don't know how to blend in well into their surroundings *ahem guitarists ahem* and we have to teach them how. they only know how to play a certain way *AHEM power chords chugga chugga jang jang AHEM*.
zero_g: hahahahah .. you're funny lah ...

not only *ahem gui cough cough tarist* but other instruments actually ... hahahah .. i've worked with musicians that are ... ugh ... insenstive ... but sometimes can't blame them either ... it's just the way that some of them are trained at times.

this kind of thing comes along as we grow as musicians and just so long as we're willing to be open to comments/constructive cristicism then anyone will grow in this area. so musicians must really be humble and open to changes too .. =) ...
haha ppl actually voted Huh?

i started classical 1st... cause i wanted 2 learn guitar den i went yamaha i duNno why though i got into a classical guitar course, but i quit after i completed the fundementals...

den all the while learn stuff on net like chords n stuff...

i now own a rbx374,epi LP(standard), suzuki acoustic(had a harvest but it dropped n broke loL)...

i guess sometimes i feel like doin something more upfront la... sometimes bassist u do do do le ppl also dun really noe that u're there... u all get this feeling sometimes? u play until shiok shiok but like still no 1 noes u're playing anything loL...

My fren once told me b4 that u play bass is the soul of the music... add rythm n depth...
But sometimes i feel that bass is juz like the support role...
what are you'all opinions?

I still love the bass though ^^