Bass multi-effect pedal question


New member
hi guys
i am looking to buy a multi-effect pedal for my bass.are there other brands beside zoom b2?how much do they cost?i like my bass to have very high distortion(like cliff burton sound) are they good for it or should i juz buy a single effect pedal for it?
sure there are multi-effects from Line6, Boss & Digitech.

To tell you the truth, I refer stompboxes in general. Especially for gain based effects like distortion & fuzz.

The distortion on Multis are just too digital for my liking
the Zoom B2.1u does sampling rate at 96kHz, that's pretty high, so i shouldn't sound too bad.

Depends on what you want.. if you just want non nonsense overdrive or distortion and only want 1 effect, then get a single pedal.

Multi-effects offer more functionality - the zoom has a really good and fast tracking Tuner built-in, modeling, simple drum machine for practice, effects, EQ (normal and parametric EQ), delay, octaver, chorus, overdrive, distortion, reverb, flanger, etc etc.... lots.

Some you may like, some you may not like, but it's all up to you what sound you want. Some people say the Zoom effects don't sound good, some people think they sound really good.... it's all subjective...

different people have different ears, so the most important is to sound good to your ears.
how can you forget the KORG... i liked that one more than a zoom. personal preference though

anyway yeah you can't deny that multifx are way better value for money than analog pedals. you can even use them as headphone amps. but i like to splurge on bass stuff more than anything else and hence my pedalboard.

It might seem strange to say that because digital gear reproduces the full frequency range well, it is a disadvantage. This is mainly troublesome with digital overdrives and distortions, where even the built-in equalisation cannot effectively remove the high frequency harshness of these sounds. I use a Roland GP-100 that has an excellent speaker simulator that does roll of these offending highs. It is strange that it is necessary to use this in addition to real speakers to get a natural overdrive sound. Rocktron make a digital rack box that advertised limited bandwidth as a feature! Of course, some players will like this new shred sound. The original analog stompboxes have the opposite problem: if you use many of these in a chain, their limited bandwidth can accumulate to give you a muddy sound.
id like to recommend the Boss ME50B. Or, if you wanna get cliff burton sound, he uses the Russian Big Muff (black) and a Morley Power Wah Boost. but since the wah is no longer in production, the Morley PBA Pro Series Bass Wah will work, and so will the PBA-2 Dual. if you have the cash, get the Morley PDW-II Pro Series Distortion/Wah/Volume pedal. Engage it in open position, voillaah - Anesthesia, pulling teeth.

is there such thing as a "guitar rig" software for bass?or do that programme provide bass effects?it'll be cool if it has.