Bass Fuzz line being built


New member
OKOK don't kill me, I know I talked about the Bazz Fuzz line a few months back. But dudes! It's finally ready to be built! I'll be pumping them out about 1-2 per week. Let me know if you wanna try them or wanna be put on the waitlist or anything. I have about 7 on the waitlist already.

If you wanna try it out you'll have to come over to NTU. I have a jam room and a 2x12 Bass amp. You can bring your bass or I have a Yamaha BB404 with passive pickups.

Note though, due to this being a fuzz, it doesn't work too well with active pickups.

Here's an enclosure begging for the innards to be put in:

Price is $150 :D

Sound and video clips once I get around to them.
am i in the waiting list already?
well.. if i'm not, then add me. but yeah i might take a while(maybe 1 and half month) to get the cash.

ps: lookin' good. can't wait for the soundclip. er can you also pls put details ; what bass , what amp , tone settings used along with the sound clip
Nice artwork. May I suggest that you record 1) Fuzz off 2) Fuzz on, same bassline direct? Thanks Blueark, keep it comin.
platypus said:
am i in the waiting list already?

Yep dude you're on the list. I'll keep yours around when it's done till you wanna get it from me, no probs 8)

Noted on the demoing suggestions, I'll try to get it done tomorrow if all goes well.

Thanks all :D
pm-ed you about the pedal before so am i on the list? might take a month to come up with the cash for it too though haha.
Yep you're on it too. No worries about how long to get cash. Worry more about how long I take to finish it haha :D

Ok lah, one month should be no prob.
damn, i'll only be in spore for a month.. but lemme know when the demo session is, hopefully i can pop by and give this baby a whirl -)
Ah the left one is volume. I set it at unity and didn't move it. The right one is gain/fuzz/distortion/whateveryouwannacallit.

Above the right knob, if you can see it, there is a 3 way toggleswitch. It can give a subtle bass boost or bass cut. I included it so people who want to use it for low end chugging and people who want to use it for cutting solos can both be happy. It's quite subtle and doesn't really show when I was recording so I didn't include it in the clip. My bassist loves it though.
oh ... pai sei. i meant "right was gain?" and wanted to know abt the left one.... ah sth wrong with my eyes or sth. nevermind. thanks anyway
ok i need one of those. i listened to the past sound clip. it sounds great. hopefully i would be able to get the cash..

Spider art reserved by kieran. Dragonfly art being built now. Grasshopper art still available, may be kept for a demo board.
Hmmz how's the response like with active basses?

My bass is currently loaded with EMGs and a EMG BTC

And my future bass will also be active.

That's why haha =)