Bass for beginner..


New member
I went to the shop as Bras Basah and they had a bass starter package for $270.
It includes a TGM Bass guitar ( Red ), a cable and an amp. However he said the amp was only for home use, and I don't mind since I'm just starting out.
So was wondering if its worth it?
And any comments about people who bought this set before?
Is the TGM bass guitar good for beginners? :)
Thanks loads. :D

(Please check out the latest post, thanks! :D)
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TGM is quite infamous for its inconsistant QC, so you might want to stay clear. Good brands would be like Timbre, or SX. Those are pretty decent guitars for starters, quite value for money.
My budget is kinda tight, around that range, of 270.
I heard alot about SX but I don't know if the starter is package is good?
And I don't know how to try out basses since I'm new...
I mean I don't even know how to play a few notes. D:
And what is the price range for SX?
And Squier?
I never heard of the Samick Greg Benett series though..
Btw, may I ask what's inconsistant QC?
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a good bass (for beginners or otherwise) is a good bass, regardless if it has to serve the beginners' needs. do not let the brand name dictate what you should get. i'd say you check out the TIMBRE basses @ standardvalue as well 8-)
brand doesn't mean much at the entry level, 'smaller' brands are capable of producing gems while 'bigger' brands are equally capable of producing duds. try them out and go with your gut feel. if your passion for bass intensifies you know that you're gonna upgrade in the future anyway. but you need to take the first step before you can discover what kind of tone appeals to you.
Haiii... Not so easy to choose ah ><
A lot of people here reccommand SX, so maybe I'll go with it, but only Davis guitar sells it?
Lols, okkay.
So anything I should watch out while buying the SX?
Cause I'm a total greenhorn at basses, I don't know how to play any notes at all so how to test? ><
err since you don't know anything about bass i think you should bring along a friend who knows.