Try reducing the volume level from the bass and increasing the volume level on the amp. Too hot a signal from the bass or in the preamp section of the bass amp can cause this. Nest to run the master on the amp high, the preamp on the amp low and the volume on the bass less than half.
sometimes it may just be your electronics .... like yamaha's BB2000 series .. once i turn the treble past the indent .. the hiss gets mad ... seriously ... depending on whether your bass is active or passive .. sometimes it may be due to your pickups also .. it's called the 60 cycle hum .. quite common on single coil jazz bass pickups ..
just turn down the treble or gain and it should work .. if not .. try to mess around with the controls ..
The Pbass will be a problem due to the 60 Hz hum picked up by the non-humbucking pickups. Shielding will help this, but won't make it go away completely. Better to lower the volume on the bass and increase that on the amp to dimish it.