Hey guys any idea wad those effects box are for ? as a bassist u need them ? the wah pedal distortion overdrive and stuff any ideas ?
Colarndo said:Apparently no need repiled on the post so let me just give you some advice. This is my honest opinion. I was doing sound for 2 years before I statred playing Bass cause i liked low frequncies too much.
Some things I've learnt 4 years as a sound guy:
I've seen more bassist not using efx rather than using any.
An amp moduler is entirely useless without an amp to modulate.
100 of local gigs use D.I boxes for bass rather than mic up the amps.
Yamaha basses are good value for money but after a handful of years, the neck will warp. I personally know of 3 bassist whose Yamaha "died".
Peavey amps sound like shit. I can use a 250 watt Peavey Amp in Wee lee Jam studio but still prefer my yamaha 25Watt Bass Amp at home.
Fender is only a brand name. Their guitars are another story.
A lousy guitar can be "saved" by hiding it's ugly sound by running through efx processors that "color" the tone of the guitar.
What's the point of having Marcus Millar's sound if you can't play as well as him?
Always test things out before buying them.
Seek advice or reviews on any item b4 buying. Compulsive buying is bad behaviour.
Be open to advice. Your soundman is not as stupid as he looks to be.
Lastly, take ppl's advice with a pinch of salt.(including mine)