Bass Effects - starting stage


New member
hey. planning on getting some effect pedels. i;m new to bass and i was wondering what pedals should i get to start off with?
lets say, rock, metal, alternative.
example, Muse, Metallica, ACDC, LED zepplin, lost prophets, somewhere along this line
actually, i'd recommend getting a multi effect(zoom/pod/etc) first. play around with the digital sounds before commiting hard cash for a single pedal with one sound. and who knows, maybe you'd stick to the zoom or pod?

but if you really want, try out the bass xciter for that psuedo tube sound(well, atleast i think so), sansamp di for the distortion(as well as output flexibility), and the big muff.
Personally ah... When playing in such a loud setting. Nobody can hear your tone, unless you frequently solo and stuff. So it'll be easier for you to get good distortion pedals to fit into the sound of the band.

Buy the rest when you got more moolah. But first few pedals get the the distortion. Or a sansamp bddi. They got an onboard distortion and you'll be able to get almost any sound you want. But some people complain that it sounds very plasticky. But most people love it.
+1 to 3notes and ahkiat

looking at wat you play, metallica, muse etc...just hoot one distortion or fuzz pedal. Big muff is a good start. EQ? just use the one on the amp.
are u sure?! read again.

my personal experience is that it has very gd bass response. maybe just a little bit of loss. like this much " "
Ah looks like I read wrongly.

What's the difference between all these Muffs?

Here are my general findings for a majority of the more common Muffs:
* EHX Big Muff Pi (70's) (OOP) - Smooth, rich fuzz. Fair low end. Much variation in tone. (Volume/Tone/Sustain controls)
* EHX Big Muff Pi (USA Reissue) - Smooth, rich fuzz, better low end response than original. Currently true bypass.(V/T/S)
* Sovtek Big Muff Pi (Green) (OOP) - Harsher, deeper fuzz, well suited for bass. Vary greatly from unit to unit. (V/T/S)
* Sovtek Big Muff Pi (Black) - Smoother than Green Sovtek, harsher than USA model. Currently True Bypass (V/T/S)
* EHX Little Big Muff (70's) (OOP) - No personal experience - (Vol knob/tone switch)
* EHX Little Big Muff (Current) - Electronically identical to USA Reissue, SMT components, good bass response. True bypass.
* Muff Fuzz (70's) (OOP) - Original Muff circuit. Plugged into guitar. (On/off toggle, boost knob)
* Little Muff Pi (70's) (OOP) - Muff Fuzz in a stomp box. (On off stomp, boost knob)
* Deluxe Big Muff Pi (70's/80's) (OOP) - DC Powered Big Muff Pi and Soul Preacher Compressor in one.
* Double Muff - Two Muff Fuzzes in one box. Single or double mode. Single is smooth, double is sonic hell.
* Metal Muff w/ Top Boost - No personal experience
* Micro Metal Muff - No personal experience
* Pocket Metal Muff - No personal experience
* Muff Overdrive (Nano) - Smooth, simple, volume control only. Essentially a Little Muff Pi Reissue.
* English Muff'n - Tube based Muff-like circuit. Uses 12AX7 and 12AY7. 3 band EQ. Gain/Volume controls. Get a bit of grit or sonic hell, or anywhere in between. Expensive but worth every penny IMO.

Got all these from talkbass.
i used a little big muff before. firstly, although bass response is good, it can totally miss the attack of a high output bass. secondly, increasing the tone also eats the bass. you will need an eq to get around this.

its not very versatile but it gives you a nice tone and a good boost

edit: in fact i think you are better off with a metal muff. the metal muff doesn't take away the bass freqs, and depending on which metal muff it is it might have an eq or a mid scoop. to me its a more ideal fuzzbox, especially for your genre